Scoop It – A great way to curate and publish online magazines for students

I recently came across Scope It while looking for something else, which is often the best way I discover new tools for education, and it has got me wondering about how I could incorporate it into my classroom this year. I have spent a few hours using Scoop It and I love how simple it is to use and how great the final page looks, but that’s just on a superficial level. What I really like about it is it has the potential to be a really useful and powerful tool for students to collect, sort, analyse, curate and publish information on the web.

Here’s a little clip to further explain what Scoop It actually is.

I’ve been thinking about using Scoop It as a way of having my students present their research sources for their projects, kind of like a new version of a bibliography. I know that they will love it. I am hoping that some students will see it’s usefulness as a publishing tool and continue using Scoop It to create their own pages of up to date news on a particular topic they are interested in. Check it out, it’s super easy to use and very engaging for students.

The other great thing I like about Scoop It is that there is also a free Scoop It app for iPhone and iPad that allows students to manage and curate their Scoops on the go. The Scoop It app can be downloaded through the app store or by clicking here

Here is a link to my Scoop It about iPads in Education.